Hey, y’all! C’mon in, grab a cup of coffee and have a seat. . .
Let’s talk!
Okay, I’ll be the one doing most of the talking. Take notes. I have a tendency to speak my mind. (I’m old.)
This website has been years in the making and I’ve been storing up (lots of) helpful information. Hey, I’m not getting any younger. If I don’t start doing this now I’m gonna be dead.
So, hang on for the ride. Check back often: for advice, reflections from my rocking chair, recipes, tips, tricks, and all sorts of fun info from back-in-the-day. That’s the theme of this site, after all.
I want to leave a heritage to my kids and grandkids, and maybe you’ll learn something along the way, as well.
For now, browse the site and leave a comment. I’m so happy to have you!